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Sam Kabo Ashwell
Sam Kabo Ashwell
The Blaseball Team Affinity Quiz
Sam Kabo Ashwell
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House of Reeds
Draw maps of a home to tell stories of the families who live there.
Sam Kabo Ashwell
Scents & Semiosis
An interactive fiction about perfume, memory and new meanings, with heavy use of procedural generation.
Sam Kabo Ashwell
Interactive Fiction
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Dwarf Fortress meets Versu meets Crusader Kings. (I can't imagine why it never got very far.)
Sam Kabo Ashwell
The Shotgun Adagio
a really bad game that I poured my heart into at an age where one's heart outpourings are uniformly trash
Sam Kabo Ashwell
IFDB Spelunking 2
An incomplete work, featuring MST3K-ish snarking at a series of old, weird and occasionally terrible parser games.
Sam Kabo Ashwell
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